
Volume 29, Issue 3, November 2018


Update on Cal/OSHA’s Proposed Indoor Heat Standard

Cal/OSHA’s Indoor Heat Standard is continuing to move forward but the standard will miss its January deadline.  That said, the standard is likely to be finalized and adopted in the first quarter 2019.  On October 24, 2018, another proposed draft was published, which can be found on the Cal/OSHA website.  This latest draft addressed many...

Reporting Work Related Death or Serious Injury or Illness to Cal/OSHA

Most employers know by now that Cal/OSHA has to be notified about a work-related death or serious injury or illness.  Title 8, Section 330 defines a serious injury as:  Any injury or illness occurring in a place of employment or in connection with any employment which requires inpatient hospitalization for a period in excess of...

Update on Cal/OSHA Confined Space Standard

In August of 2015, Federal OSHA established a new standard for construction work in confined spaces. The new standard is to be applied to any construction site with confined spaces, which is defined as a space 1) large enough that an employee can bodily enter and perform assigned work 2) having limited or restricted means...

An Interesting Multi-employer Worksite Citation Challenge

A general building contractor at a jobsite in Oakland in June, 2014 was cited by Cal/OSHA for one violation of 8 CCR §3276(e)(15)(E) - employees shall not sit, kneel, step or stand on the pail shelf, topcap or the step below the topcap of a step ladder.  Cal/OSHA issued a serious citation to the contractor...